How to lose weight and How can I lose weight?

How can I lose weight?

One of the most important health concerns for many individuals is how to reduce weight.

Consuming less calories, or energy, can help. People gain weight when they consume more than they burn. Other elements, too, such genetics, metabolism, hormones, the food you eat, your body type, and lifestyle also come into play.

This article will discuss the benefits of weight loss, the best strategies, and medical treatments.


Health professionals from all across the world increasingly regard obesity as an epidemic.

At least 2.8 million people every year pass away from issues brought on by being overweight.

From 2017 to 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 42.4% of adults in the United States were obese.

Some populations are more impacted by obesity than others. The CDC reports that obesity affects non-Hispanic Black adults at 49.6%, Hispanic adults at 44.8%, non-Hispanic White adults at 42.2%, and non-Hispanic Asian adults at 17.4%.

Obesity-related health issues include:

a greater risk of diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers

Why should I lose weight?

There are various causes for weight loss, including:

Appearance: Some individuals could believe that losing If someone loses weight, they'll appear more beautiful, fitter, or healthy.

Self-assurance and body image: Some obese or overweight persons may feel uneasy about the way they look.

Overall health: Keeping a healthy weight can improve general health and stave off conditions like type 2 diabetes.

Specific conditions: When a person loses extra weight, symptoms of sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes, for instance, may become better or disappear.

Fitness: An exercise-based weight-loss programme can help a person feel fitter, more energised, and more resilient.

Sports competitions: In some sports, like boxing, a competitor may try to maintain their current weight category by exercising self-control.

Treatment for fertility issues appears to be more successful.

a Reliable Source for Obese and Polycystic Women ovarian syndrome (PCOS) if they slim down before therapy.


Weight loss promises are made in many diet programmes. Whether they are true or not might be hard to determine.

Others, however, are neither evidence-based, secure, or efficient. The best outcomes typically arise from combining a healthy, weight-reduction diet with physical exercise, especially over the long term, according to many health experts, dietitians, and nutritionists.

This 2017 article examines nine well-liked diets that experts have graded.

It's not always easy to predict a diet's effectiveness.

Calories A person's daily calorie intake for weight loss depends on a variety of factors.

Among these elements are:

wished-for weight loss

age, sex, and desired rate of weight reduction

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's daily calorie requirements for adults are listed below (USDA).

For men, the suggested daily caloric intake is as follows:

Age 19-20

2,600 were idle.

Actively involved: 2,800

3,00 active

Age 21-30

2,400 were idle.

Actively moderate: 2,600–2,800

3,00 active

Age 31-50

Sluggish: 2,200–2,400

Actively moderate: 2,400–2,600

Between 2,800 and 3,000

Age 51+

Sluggish: 2000–2200

Actively moderate: 2,200–2,400

Active: 2,400–2,800 Daily calorie intake for females advised:

age range: 19 to 30

1,800 to 2,000 sedentary

Actively moderate: 2,000 to 2,200

Age 31 to 50: 2,400 in active status

1,800 were sedentary.

actively moderate: 2,000

Age 51+: 2,200 Active

1,600 were sedentary.

Actively involved: 1,800

Present: 2000 to 2200

A person should consume less calories than those indicated above if they wish to lose weight. Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet is crucial.

If at all feasible, a person should consult a dietitian, nutritionist, or physician before making any dietary changes.

Ensure that your carbohydrate, protein, and fat ratios are appropriate for a healthy body.

Additional reading

The health benefits of fats

What exactly are carbs?

Describe proteins.

Since a bad diet and malnutrition can happen regardless of calories, a meal plan should be balanced in terms of nutrients. Low mood and motivation can also result from a bad diet.

A person should progressively increase their daily calorie intake after reaching their desired body weight until they achieve their "weight maintenance" aim.

weight management:

An individual can effectively manage their body weight by using a balanced diet and frequent exercise.

Getting enough sleep may also aid someone in managing their weight. According to a study published in 2018 by Trusted Source, there is research to support the idea that lack of sleep might increase desires, hunger, and physical activity motivation.

After reducing weight, a person might manage their weight in a variety of ways. 

Among the useful alternatives are:

Avoid calorie-restrictive diets: These can slow down your metabolism and change the hormones that control your hunger. Weight gain may result from this.

Exercise: According to a 2013 studyTrusted Source, 200 minutes of exercise per week can aid in maintaining weight reduction.

Consume more protein Proteins are able to A person experiences fullness and lessens appetite.

Observe the carbs: Several studies

According to Trusted Source, a low-carb diet can occasionally help people maintain their weight loss.

Health and weight

Dieting and weight-loss efforts, according to some medical experts and academics, may result in more weight gain and worse health.

2021 research

In a study by Trusted Source of 60 women, aged 20 to 30, it was shown that long-term weight reduction was greater for those who had a personalised diet plan combined with goal-oriented psychotherapy.

According to this study, the main contributing factor to obesity is the inability to regulate overeating, making it important to treat obesity as an eating problem. Psychotherapy that supports weight reduction can help lessen the negative impacts of problems brought on by conventional diets.

Supplements There are several supplements on the market that promise to aid with weight loss.

A few of these are:

items including omega-3 fatty acids and fish, chitosan made from shellfish, green tea extracts, and various Chinese herbs, bitter orange extract

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) claims that they are useless and maybe harmful (Trusted Source).

Because of safety concerns, ephedra, a former component of certain weight-loss products, is now prohibited.

Additional issues include the selling of "fat burners" without Food and Drug Administration authorisation (FDA). Furthermore, some herbal supplements could not contain exactly what is listed on the label.

Natural solutions:

The NCCIH notes that methods that pay attention to both the body and the mind may be beneficial.

Examples of this

dependable source

yogic breathing and eating

It advises locating a knowledgeable and skilled instructor to lead you through these exercises.

Weight loss surgery

A surgical technique for persons whose body mass index is high enough to put them at risk of catastrophic consequences is bariatric surgery, sometimes referred to as weight loss surgery.

A doctor could advise bariatric surgery if other weight loss methods have failed.

The technique is either surgically removing a portion of the stomach or lowering the size of the stomach using a gastric band.

A surgeon may occasionally advise a form of gastric bypass procedure where the small intestines are diverted to a tiny stomach pouch.

A person's appetite will be significantly reduced after surgery, and they won't be able to digest or absorb food as well as they once could.

Body mass index (BMI) reduction may be achieved through bariatric surgery.Reliable Source for those who are severely obese. The optimal kind of surgery to do in each situation has not been definitively established by study findings for various operations.

The method has been shown to effectively treat type 2 diabetes and lower cardiometabolic risk.

A person should strive for a body weight that is appropriate for their height, age, and sex. A person may gain insight into their optimal weight from this article.

When is losing weight bad?

Sometimes, reducing weight might lead to issues.

When someone expends more energy than they take in, weight loss occurs. A negative energy balance is what this is. To fill the gap, the body looks for energy reserves, starting with fat.

In a person with less body fat, more lean muscle The tissue will be finished. Additional health issues may result from this.

These consist of:

decreased muscle mass and strength issues were caused by an increased risk of osteoporosis

Lower body temperature regulation from a reliable source

Ability of Trusted Source to fend off diseases

A significant reduction of body mass can be fatal.

If at all feasible, a person who is losing weight suddenly should consult a doctor.


In conclusion, there are a variety of elements to take into account while trying to reduce weight, including age, sex, food, amount of exercise, and medical issues.

Experts in health have discovered that cutting calories, obtaining physical activity, eating a nutritious diet, and getting adequate sleep can all help people lose weight.

In some circumstances, a person could gain from having surgery to decrease weight, such as bariatric surgery. Too much weight loss can occasionally be harmful to a person's health.

If at all feasible, a person should consult a doctor before making changes to their diet or exercise programme.


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