What is the TRB Red Voucher's usage and how to use TRB Red Voucher

TRB Red Voucher

For young and early-career transportation professionals who want to attend the TRB Annual Meeting, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) offers the TRB Red Voucher programme. The programme aims to boost the number of young professionals who attend the annual meeting and provide them the chance to network with other experts in the industry.


A person must be enrolled in school, a recent graduate, or in their early professional years (often the first 10 years of their employment) in the transportation industry to qualify for a Red Voucher. The applicants' credentials and how important the annual conference is to their professional growth are taken into consideration when awarding the vouchers on a competitive basis.

The complete cost of the Red Voucher is A travel stipend is also included in the annual conference registration price to help with the cost of travel, housing, and other expenditures.

The Red Voucher application process normally begins a few months before the annual conference, and the application deadline is usually in October of the year prior. More details are available on the TRB website.


TRB Red Voucher Overview

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) runs the TRB Red Voucher programme, which seeks to assist the professional growth of young and early-career transportation experts by paying for their attendance at the TRB Annual Meeting. The program's goals are to enhance young professionals' attendance at the annual meeting and provide them a chance to network with other industry experts.

The TRB Annual Meeting is a significant occasion in the transportation sector that draws experts from all over the world to exchange research, concepts, and experiences. Young and early-career professionals who might not have the financial means to attend the meeting can still participate and earn significant experience thanks to the Red Voucher initiative and information.


Students, new graduates, and early-career professionals in the transportation industry (often during the first 10 years of their employment) are all eligible for the Red Voucher programme. The applicants' credentials and how important the annual conference is to their professional growth are taken into consideration when awarding the vouchers on a competitive basis.

The Red Voucher helps to lessen some of the financial strain of attending the conference by paying the entire registration price for the annual meeting as well as a travel stipend to cover travel, hotel, and other costs.

What is the TRB Red Voucher's usage?

You must first be chosen as a recipient through the application procedure in order to utilise a TRB Red Voucher. Following receipt of a voucher, follow these instructions to redeem it:

Obtain a TRB Annual Meeting registration form: After receiving a Red Voucher, you must complete a TRB Annual Meeting registration form. Your voucher can be applied to your registration fee to pay for it.



The Red Voucher also contains a travel allowance to cover the cost of travel, hotel, and other expenditures. Plan your route and stay accordingly. You must plan your journey and lodging, save all receipts for reimbursement, and make the necessary arrangements.

Send in your refund application You must send TRB a refund request after the annual meeting. This normally entails producing receipts for your lodging, travel, and any other costs associated with your presence at the annual conference.

Attend the TRB Annual Conference After registering and booking your transportation, you are able to attend the annual meeting and take part in the many programmes, seminars, and activities. This is a fantastic chance to network with other transportation experts, discover the most recent findings, and pick up useful experience in the industry.



Follow TRB's instructions: In order to ensure a smooth procedure and obtain the refund, make sure you read and adhere to the TRB's guidelines.

It's crucial to remember that each To acquire the most recent information on the Red Voucher programme, it is advised to check the TRB website or get in touch with TRB directly. Every year, the application procedure, conditions, and deadlines may vary.


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