

Knowing the tiny world of food

This is because typically when we think about food,we along with flavor and the presentation also focus on how nutritious it is? But there is an entirely nontestable world beyond our eyes. What we learn from the microscopic qualities of our food would be valuable closures in a cascade of stories on: nutrition, safety and even the environment. Through looking at these microscopic facts, we can certainly learn about what to eat each day.

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Food Safety- What is Under the Microscope?

And we are programmed to be skeptical when told that food may contain dangerous bacteria. But, at higher magnification through a microscope there is another story. Bacteria, viruses and fungi are found in almost any food; so the knowledge of these mic... ...orgenismoonymous

Bacteria: Many bacteria are necessary for fermentation like in the production of yogurt and cheese, however some can cause foodborne diseases. A simple visual check could show the presence of E. coli or Salmonella on incorrectly washed leafy greens, such as romaine lettuce, and in case an improperly cooked meat containing Campylobacter is present.

MOLD: Some molds are used intentionally in the production of food (ever heard blue cheese?) but definitely some can be harmful! Looking at safe molds as compared to dangerous ones under a microscope helps.

Micronutrients: Certain vitamins — B12, say — can be hard to come by in some diets (like vegan ones). We are able to look at the cells and nutrients under a microscope, which enhances our understanding of what it really means to eat well.

Phytochemicals: There are hundreds of phytochemicals that occur naturally in plants which often deliver health benefits. Read in detail with single part of composition like a piece of broccoli or even some berries (when broken down), and you will find numerous bioactive molecules that help health. [12]

Tiny Helpers and Harmers: The Ecosystem of Our Food

What we eat is not just about nutrients, but what lives in conjunction with those and interacts within us once consumed.

Intestines: There is an intimate relationship between foods and good bacteria fermenting them inside your intestines. Take sauerkraut, for example. This activation can come from the microscopic miracle of fermentation when a product is literally brought to life with live cultures.

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Environmental Impact – Knowing the microbial life in our food can indicate agricultural techniques. In the past, soil health is believed to be dependent on healthy microorganisms that intervention in plant growth. We are not promoting bad agricultural practices, we can say that is the environment our food will find itself.

The Top 3 Microscope Products For Your Food Experience

Well i don't know what draw my attention to this food related microscopic world but if you are as intrigued (or more) than me into the micro universe of our diet then go ahead and check some microscope product that might help on your quest.

POTABLE MICROSCOPES: These are perfect for inquisitive minds, you can use this to inspect your food right at the kitchen Just think about looking at the surface of a new apple, or checking for active cultures in creating yogurt!

Educational Microscopes: Educational microscopes for kids and adults, including features designed to make exploration fun and educational.

“Buying a microscope can let you taste so much better and it is up to you what kind of cuisine u want to eat!!

The Perspective of the Tiny Walks

Most of us consume the food we know at face value, but there's more to the story when you explore its truth under a microscope. A world full of potential and understanding that revolutionizes how we engage with what we eat. Identifying these invisible beings — from gut flora that help us break down food, to the nutritional soldiers crucial for our well-being — offers a new approach to viewing what we eat.

How about you get out your microscope, go to the kitchen and start exploring? We never know, what good things are hidden under our fingers!


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