Decoding the Crime: A Shocking Tale of Deception and Betrayal

Decoding the Crime: A Shocking Tale of Deception and Betrayal


The Start of a Tragic Incident

On March 15, 2024, a quarter located in Railway Colony witnessed a gruesome crime, unlike anything the country had seen before. A video footage emerged, revealing a shocking incident where a dead body of an 8-year-old child was found hidden inside a polythene bag in a refrigerator. The kitchen of the same house also had the lifeless body of the father. However, the culprit was not someone else but the daughter of the house, a 16-year-old girl. Her boyfriend, who was 20 years old and lived in the neighborhood, is now on the run along with her. It has been almost two weeks since the police started chasing them, but they have managed to evade capture so far. Initially, it was believed that they had fled to Agra, then it was said that they might go to Pune, but the final location is revealed to be Visakhapatnam. The question arises: how can two young individuals, an 16-year-old girl and a 20-year-old boyfriend, outsmart the police? Let's delve into the details of this decoding crime and uncover the postmortem report, which sheds light on the gruesome murder of the father and brother.

The Chilling Execution

The postmortem report provides detailed information about the father and brother. Shockingly, it reveals that just 24 hours before their bodies were discovered, they were brutally attacked. Their skulls were struck repeatedly, causing severe damage to their bones. The autopsy report also states that the girl, Kavya, and her boyfriend, Mukul, used a single weapon to continuously assault the victims. Mukul had gathered all the necessary items, including a gas cutter, gloves, and a knife, and packed them in a bag. He then brought the bag to Kavya's house, where her father, Rajkumar, was cooking breakfast in the kitchen for both the children. Mukul arrived at that moment, and Kavya joined him. In one swift motion, Mukul attacked Rajkumar, while Kavya helped by using the same weapon to harm her brother, Tanishk. The postmortem report reveals that Rajkumar sustained ten blows to the head, which resulted in severe fractures, while Tanishk's body was covered in incisions and his skull was shattered. Despite the horrific state of their bodies, Kavya managed to place Tanishk's body inside the fridge, wrapped in a blanket. Then they proceeded to have breakfast, consuming the meal that Rajkumar had prepared. Afterward, they decided to flee, but not before ensuring that all traces of their presence were eliminated.

A Meticulous Plan

Kavya and Mukul meticulously planned their crime, employing strategies similar to those seen in Hollywood or South Indian thriller movies. They managed to outwit the police, leaving them baffled. Even the doctors who conducted the postmortem were astounded by the level of planning involved. The report suggests that Kavya had learned from movies and absorbed various techniques used by criminals to evade capture. She had formulated multiple plans, including Plan A and Plan B, to ensure that even if one plan failed, they would have an alternative course of action. Their attention to detail is evident in the footage captured at 3:00 AM on the fateful morning of March 14 or 15. Mukul can be seen wearing white gloves and carrying a bag containing the gas cutter, polythene, and knife as he roams around the area. This meticulous preparation was to ensure that no fingerprints would be left behind. Throughout the night, Mukul collected the necessary items, as he intended to commit the murder in the morning. However, to avoid suspicion, he decided to store the bag at the railway station, where he would arrive on his scooter. He called the delivery boy assigned to the station to inform him of the package's arrival. Mukul then left his house, activating his scooter, and reached the station to retrieve the bag. All these items were purchased online to avoid any suspicion from local shops. This careful planning enabled the duo to execute their plan flawlessly.

A Gruesome Discovery

When the police began investigating the case, their primary goal was to determine the exact location of the fugitives. The most crucial aspect for establishing the location was the geolocation data on their phones. However, Mukul, being the mastermind he is, knew that if he ordered any items to be delivered to his home, the police would become suspicious. Thus, he ordered everything required for the crime, including the gas cutter and gloves, online, and collected them from the railway station. This brilliant move made it difficult for the police to trace their purchases to local stores. Despite the police's best efforts, they were unable to locate the couple, who had managed to escape like seasoned criminals, leaving the police dumbfounded. It is astonishing to see how these teenagers, at such a young age, have executed such a heinous crime and have managed to outsmart the police at every turn. Their audacity and careful planning have left everyone stunned, including the doctors who conducted the postmortem. They have never encountered a case like this before, where a daughter conspires with her boyfriend to commit such a gruesome crime. The doctors were shocked to see the level of brutality and the ease with which these young individuals could carry out such a chilling murder. The investigation has left the police perplexed, as they struggle to understand how these two teenagers, one being a minor, can elude them like experienced criminals. The young age of the individuals involved further adds to the shock and horror of the crime.

A Lethal Combination

The crime committed by Kavya and Mukul is a chilling reminder of the terrifying world of crime and deception. Their age belies the extent of their criminal minds. They have not only executed a cold-blooded murder but also meticulously planned how to hide the evidence and escape the clutches of the police. The postmortem report serves as a grim testament to their brutal actions. The fact that they were able to carry out such a heinous crime and then calmly sit down for breakfast, unperturbed by their actions, is truly horrifying. The extent of their cruelty and lack of remorse is deeply unsettling. These young individuals have left a trail of destruction and managed to evade capture, leaving the police struggling to apprehend them. The question remains: how long can they continue to elude the authorities? Only time will tell if justice will be served and the truth will prevail in this shocking tale of deception and betrayal.


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