What is going on between Russia and Ukraine?
Answer 👇
Following many months of demonstrations, Yanukovych was deposed, and a new administration was put in place—one that Moscow rejected as legitimate.
Conflicts between Ukrainian government forces and insurgents supported by Russia have continued since that time in eastern Ukraine.
Both sides continue to accuse one another of provocations and aggressiveness while the situation is tight.
There have been continued international efforts to end the situation, including diplomatic negotiations and economic penalties against Russia.
Yet no sustainable solution has been found, and the circumstance is still shaky.
asserts that any of its people who are fighting in Ukraine are volunteers and denies having any participation in the war directly.
The accords haven't managed to end the battle permanently, though, and fighting has continued to erupt sometimes.
The issue is made even more challenging by the The COVID-19 outbreak has put a burden on resources and made the humanitarian issue worse.