Huge News From KCR For 700 Medical Students Who Are Back From Ukraine

Huge News From KCR For 700 Medical Students Who Are Back From Ukraine

The Central government as of late emptied 18,000 or more Indians from Ukraine. The greater part of them were understudies who had gone to concentrate on medication, the expense of which is less expensive in the previous Soviet republic.

The Russian attack in February came as a colossal shock to the understudies, who ended up abandoned without sufficient food, water and at times, even safe house. An understudy from adjoining Karnataka, Naveen Shekharappa Gyanagowdar, kicked the bucket in Russian shelling in Kharkiv.

Back home, a discussion began on whether understudies need to travel to another country.

While a few contended that main understudies who neglect to clear the clinical placement tests in India travel to another country, others contended that India needs more clinical seats to oblige every single meriting competitor.

The contention honed after Union Minister Pralhad Joshi's remark that understudies concentrate abroad "in the wake of neglecting to qualify" in cutthroat tests in India.

It drew a sharp reaction from the lamenting dad of Naveen Shekharappa Gyanagowdar, who caused to notice the significant expense of concentrating on medication in India. His child, he said, was a smart understudy who needed to go to Ukraine as he was unable to bear to concentrate on medication in India.

"The gift is exceptionally high for those needing to concentrate on medication here. Smart understudies will travel to another country to study, and they spend a lesser sum when contrasted with Karnataka. Here, an understudy should pay in crores to get a clinical seat under portion," he said.


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